September 2022 Seminar: Conversational Leadership Café: Is this our Gutenberg Moment!
The theme of this Knowledge Café concerns ‘the Gutenberg moment’ when the refinement of the printing press by Gutenberg in 1436 had a massive impact on the world. Now, with the invention of social media are we going through a second Gutenberg revolution?
David Gurteen is a keynote speaker and conversational facilitator. He works in the fields of knowledge management, organisational learning, and conversational leadership. He gives keynote talks, designs and facilitates knowledge cafés and runs workshops. In fact, David has facilitated hundreds of knowledge cafes and workshops in 32 countries around the world over the past 13 years.
The focus of his current research, writing and teaching is Conversational Leadership. He is currently writing an online book (a blook) on conversational leadership.
Time and Venue
Thursday September 29th at 2:30 pm on the Zoom platform.
Will be made available to members.
Will be made available.