About us
NetIKX is a friendly, low cost community of interest, for professionals who work in knowledge and information management and want to learn and share good practice. We usually hold six seminars each year from top quality thought-leading speakers.
Our Purpose
- enable learning and equip members with topical, practical ideas to apply in their workplace
- support members to help them develop their roles and progress their careers
- help organisations get greater value from knowledge and information management
- facilitate networking amongst our members and with other individuals and groups
- provide an information and knowledge resource for members through seminars and this website
Our Seminars
NetIKX’s seminars focus on key issues of topical reliance for professionals in our field. Each seminar is led by high quality speakers and previous speakers have included well known thought leaders such as: Ewan Semple, Dave Snowdon, David Gurteen, Liz Orna, Noeleen Schenk, and Chris Collison.
Our seminars always include time for lively discussions and there is also space for table discussions, sharing of case studies, and plenty of opportunity for interaction and networking with speakers and other delegates. This networking reinforces the practical takeaway value for professionals to take back for the benefit of their organisations.
Look on the Events page for information about our next seminar and the Previous events page for information about all our past seminars.
We make decisions about our seminar topics, based on the range of options available. Look here for information.
Network members are drawn from professionals in information, HR, IT, and business and represent organisations of all sizes in the private, public and voluntary sectors, as well as independent consultants. Members can meet professional colleagues from other sectors and organisations to share issues and challenges.
Membership of NetIKX means you have free entry to all our seminars, as well as access to confidential subject matter information on the website. We also offer organisations membership, so that up to 5 people can gain cost-effective support and training by attending our seminars. It is a very economical way to keep your knowledge up-to-date and to provide more value for your organisation. We always welcome new members and organisations. Please do look at the information available here.
How we are run
NetIKX is run by an elected Committee working on a voluntary basis. We welcome expressions of interest to join our Committee. It is a great opportunity to gain skills and improve your CV. Information about our Committee is here.
NetIKX is governed by a written constitution.
Our History: NetIKX has recently celebrated its 10th year Anniversary. It also has an interesting history before this.
Our Privacy and Copyright Policy: For information on this please look here.