• NetIKX seminars feature table group discussion sessions

Our latest Event was on Thursday May 23rd 2024 followed by a pub social, see photo at bottom of this page.

‘Promoting public literacy – in which digital literacy is a key facet – during economically challenging times’
Key speakers – Edward Jewell, Leader of Jersey’s Library Service and President Elect of Libraries Connected and Sarah Mears, Programme Manager for Libraries Connected and Interim Chief Executive of ASCEL (Association of Senior Children’s and Education Librarians).
Edward works to ensure the delivery of a first class library service relevant to the island’s needs with a population increasingly expecting digital to be the default.  A population which is under an ever growing pressure to learn new skills and a population that is changing in structure as communities grow more diverse and older. https://jerseylibrary.gov.je
Sarah works for an organisation that believes in the power of libraries to change people’s lives and seeks through the new Universal Library Offers to connect communities, improve health and wellbeing and promote equality through learning, literacy and cultural activity. Critically important in this is reading, information and digital opportunities. https://www.librariesconnected.org.uk/page/about-us
There will be two other speakers, Emma Bahar from HMRC, who will speak on Digital Ambassadors and another from NetIKX, Robert Rosset, who will speak on the impact of the government’s ‘Levelling Up Agenda’ on promoting public literacy in which digital literacy is so significant. From a wider perspective digital literacy is vital right across government to ensure that members of the public can access government services, find gainful employment, exercise their democratic rights and engage with their civic duties.

This Wikipedia article states that there are  11 types of literacy.  (Ability to read and write and digital literacy are but two). Key to all types of literacy is the ability to take information apart, engage with it and critically appraise it to make meaningful choices. Most interestingly, in the UK,  approximately 16.4% of adults or 7.1 million people can be described as having ‘very poor literacy skills’.

This will be a hybrid meeting at the British Dental Association and online via Microsoft Teams. https://www.microsoft.com/en-US/microsoft-teams/group-chat-software
Please save the date and do book now. This is a free seminar from 2pm to 5pm.

Future NetIKX Seminars

Our Programme is currently being planned and actioned.

We are working on topics for future meetings and they will be announced during 2024.

Further information will be posted here as it becomes available. Members and those on our mailing list will receive information by email. Events will be followed by a pub social as indicated by the photo below taken after our May seminar in 2024.

Who we are

NetIKX is an independent community interested in information and knowledge management. We offer:

Up to six friendly, interactive meetings each yearNetworking and sharing opportunities
Stimulating, thought leading speakersQuality resources available online
Practical focus on IM and KM challengesInexpensive membership

What people say

“Superb presentations. Excellent syndicate session!”

“Very well organised, excellent clear presentation. Very interesting and useful!”

“In its scope, focus, meetings programme and diversity of membership, the Network has been one of the most valuable I have been involved with.”

“Took away several pragmatic ideas that I can apply to the work place – thanks!”

“Superb presentations. Excellent syndicate session.”

“Huge thank you to the speakers.”

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