What we do
NetIKX aims to:
>enable learning and equip members with practical ideas to apply in their workplace
>support members to help them develop their roles and progress their careers
>facilitate networking amongst our members and with other individuals and groups
>provide an information and knowledge resource for members
We do this through our seminars and via this web site
Our Programme Framework for 2016 – 2020
NetIKX is an independent Community of Interest. Our principal arena is the management of information and knowledge as resources (and/or assets) in order to provide benefit and value within any organisation whether large, medium or small, operating in the private, public or voluntary sectors.
Our focus is on the practical issues of managing knowledge and information in the workplace and the relationship and space that exists between Information Management and Knowledge Management.
The Concept
To enable this vision, NetIKX established a programme framework for 2010 – 2012 that we used for planning, developing and presenting open forums, seminars and workshops during those three years.
This 2016 – 2020 framework is a third iteration of the original version reflecting our continuing experience and the feedback received from members.
Three separate perspectives and five overall themes are defined in this framework, and they will no doubt continue to evolve as new understanding and ideas emerge.
The Three Perspectives
We will seek, each year, to present events that will have a balance of the following three perspectives:
• Theory and research
• Tools, techniques and methodologies
• Operational experience and case studies
The Five Overall Themes
Drawing on the three perspectives defined above, individual events will be designed to address subjects within the following five overall themes:
A. Managing information and knowledge assets and resources
An effective IRM, IM and KM programme relies on a sound foundation. This includes understanding what the organisation already has in place, how this relates to the overall organisation’s needs and those of the individuals within it, and what competencies those individual need to have. An effective IRM, IM and KM programme will also address how to promote itself effectively within the organisation, and how to ensure that it continues to develop so that the organisation is as well placed as possible for optimum success.
B. Developing and exploiting information and knowledge assets and resources
There are many ways to develop and exploit information and knowledge assets and resources. These include on the one hand addressing how people collaborate, learn from each other and use the assets available to them, and on the other, optimizing the way the assets themselves are sourced and managed.
C. Protecting information and knowledge assets and resources
Protection of assets and resources is dependent on assurance and security, authentication and validation.
D. Harnessing the web for information and knowledge exchange
The web provides enormous opportunities as well as challenges for our own use as individual IRM, IM and KM professionals, as well as in our roles as evaluators and providers of resources to our employing organizations and individual customers who will display a wide range of enthusiasm and expertise in their use of the web.
E. Business value and cost effectiveness
The Goals
Knowledge management
• To be up to date with current practice
• To formulate a perspective for the future
• To clarify a working glossary for knowledge management
Information management
• To formulate a perspective for the future
• To have revisited and redefined the definitions
• To have revisited and redefined current practice