Our Next Seminar will be in May 2024

Title: Promoting public literacy – in which digital literacy is a key facet – during economically challenging times

Date: Thursday May 23rd 2024


Please note that this seminar will be a hybrid event taking place at the British Dental Association on Thursday May 23rd 2024 and on Microsoft Teams.



Edward Jewell is Chief Librarian of Jersey Library Services and President Elect of Libraries Connected.

He is an innovative leader with 25 years of experience with customer focused services involving partnerships locally and nationally bringing change to traditional organisations. He believes that libraries should be engines for opportunity at the heart of their communities, enabling people to engage with and access learning, information, health and well being, creativity and enterprise.

Sarah Mears, MBE is Programme Manager for Libraries Connected and Interim CEO of ASCEL (Association of Senior Children’s and Education Librarians).

Her skills include community engagement as well as library, library services and work with adolescents. She is an advocate for the Empathy Lab which is a small start-up which is passionate about the creative power of words to build empathy and the power of empathy to make the world a better place.

Emma Bahar is Librarian + Digital Ambassador in HMRC Solicitor’s Office.  She will speak about Digital Ambassadors in HMRC and why enabling their people and their customers to embrace new technology is so important as they strive to create a trusted and modern tax system fit for the 21st Century, whilst driving efficiency.

Robert Rosset is the Chair of NetIKX and a Chartered Librarian and he will speak on one aspect of the government’s ‘Levelling Up Agenda’ which concerns the promotion of public literacy, in which digital literacy is so significant.

14:00 – 14:30 Social conversation and registration

14:30 – 15:40 Presentations and Interactive session

15:40 – 16:00  Tea break and conversation

16:00 – 16:30 Break-out sessions

16:30 – 17:00  General discussion and wrap up

A hybrid event with a live, face-to-face meeting at The British Dental Association, 64 Wimpole Street, London, W1G 8YS and an online facility using Microsoft Teams.

We will assemble from 2:00pm on the day, socialise and start at 2:30pm and when the seminar has concluded we will go to the ‘Lamb & Flag’ pub at 24 James Street, Westminster, W1U 1EL.

As this seminar is our first event at the BDA in 2024 and because the subject is topical, non-members can register for free.

If you have a problem registering for this meeting, please send an email to .

Future Programme of Seminars – details nearer the date in 2024

Individual members:

Corporate members:


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