One week to go! Promoting public literacy in economically challenging times with @edward_jewell
& @sarahmears10 23 May 2024. Hybrid event at British Dental Association & online #DigitalLiteracy Book at
NetIKX: a community interested in information & knowledge management
NetIKX is an independent community interested in information & knowledge management (IM & KM). We offer members semi...
Two weeks to go! Promoting public literacy in economically challenging times with @edward_jewell & @sarahmears10 23 May 2024. Hybrid event at British Dental Association & online #DigitalLiteracy Book at
NetIKX: a community interested in information & knowledge management
NetIKX is an independent community interested in information & knowledge management (IM & KM). We offer members semi...
Three weeks to go! Promoting public literacy in economically challenging times with @edward_jewell
& @sarahmears10 23 May 2024. Hybrid event at British Dental Association & online #DigitalLiteracy Book at
NetIKX: a community interested in information & knowledge management
NetIKX is an independent community interested in information & knowledge management (IM & KM). We offer members semi...
4 weeks to go! Promoting public literacy in economically challenging times with @edward_jewell & @sarahmears10 23 May 2024. Hybrid event at British Dental Association & online #DigitalLiteracy Book at
NetIKX: a community interested in information & knowledge management
NetIKX is an independent community interested in information & knowledge management (IM & KM). We offer members semi...
Booking now! Promoting public literacy in economically challenging times with @edward_jewell & @sarahmears10 23 May 2024. Hybrid event at British Dental Association & online #DigitalLiteracy
The clock's ticking! Time's running out to reserve your seat at tomorrow's virtual Bite-sized Taxonomy Boot Camp. Tips, tools, techniques and case studies for knowledge managers, info pros & taxonomists. Sessions recorded to watch live or later. Tickets:
A reminder to our followers that there's still time to register for the bite-size @TBC_London on 11 October - this promises to be an excellent event with top speakers! #taxonomy
My write-up of the recent @netikx seminar on 'Does KM need to change?' #KM #KnowledgeManagement #netikx118
Thanks to all who attended yesterday's seminar on 'Does KM need to change?' with @stephendale - here's a @wakelet of the tweets #KM #KnowledgeManagement #netikx118
Does KM need to change?
A NetIKX seminar given by Steve Dale at the British Dental Association, 25 May 2023
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September 2017 Seminar: Closing the Loop on Lesson Learning
/in Events 2017, K and IM: Skills and competencies, K and IM: training and education, Previous Events/by Netikx EventsSummary Chris Collison explored the myths and truths of lesson-learning in different contexts, using real examples, both good and bad, challenging us to improve this important knowledge-management practice and make it more than a convenient phrase. ‘Lessons learned’ is a phrase that is a regular feature of news bulletins, sports team briefs and project team […]
July 2017 Seminar: The Implications of Blockchain for IM and KM Professionals
/in Events 2017, Previous Events/by Netikx EventsSummary Blockchain is a word that is growing in usage – in both the IT and information management worlds. It is one of the most exciting and potentially game-changing technologies. But what is it and what does it mean? And as information professionals what do we need to know? What will be its impact on […]
May 2017 Seminar: Developing Effective Collaborative Knowledge Spaces
/in Events 2017, K and I sharing: networking, Knowledge and information sharing, Previous Events/by Netikx EventsSummary Paul J. Corney and Victoria Ward introduced a survey that has been run on this topic and used the meeting to obtain feedback on the questions from those attending. Paul will soon be writing a paper on the topic. Paul introduced the seminar by noting that three years ago he conducted a survey of […]
March 2017 Seminar: Gurteen Knowledge Café – Entrained and Entrenched Thinking
/in Events 2017, K and IM: professional development, Knowledge and information management, Previous Events/by Netikx EventsSummary David Gurteen, well known as a keynote speaker and conversational facilitator, ran a Knowledge Café on the topic of Entrained and Entrenched Thinking. Knowledge cafés are a powerful tool for knowledge managers. David Gurteen is one of the foremost exponents of this method. David defines the essence of a knowledge café thus: “The only […]
January 2017 Seminar: Information Design: approaches to better communication
/in Events 2017, K and IM: information theory, Knowledge and information management, Previous Events/by Netikx EventsSummary Conrad Taylor and Ruth Miller (long-standing practitioners of information design) presented some simple and practical applications of plain language, computer-based design, and design project management practices to help organisations and businesses to communicate clearly. Conrad and Ruth looked at how information designers have developed approaches to clear communication (based on research by linguists, psychologists […]
November 2016 Seminar: Evidence-based Decision Making
/in Developing and exploiting information and knowledge, Events 2016, Previous Events/by Netikx EventsSummary We all have biases. It’s perfectly natural for the decisions we make in life and work to be influenced by knowledge gained through prior experience and intuition. Most of the time this serves us well. However, we would not expect major business decisions to be made just on ‘gut-feel’. Using an open and rational […]
September 2016 Seminar: Connecting Knowledge Communities: Approaches to Professional Development
/in Events 2016, K and I sharing: networking, Knowledge and information sharing, Previous Events/by Netikx EventsSummary At an earlier meeting, a plea was made to examine the way professional development (and, indirectly, training) is managed for knowledge and information managers. This meeting therefore examined possible approaches to such professional development. A year previously, NetIKX, with the cooperation of a number of other organisations in the field of knowledge and information […]
July 2016 Seminar: Understanding Networks – and how to win friends and influence people
/in Events 2016, K and I sharing: networking, Knowledge and information sharing, Previous Events/by Netikx EventsSummary If you were to ask your CEO or manager how knowledge and information flows through your organisation, you will probably be shown an organisation chart. This is all very well in theory, but the days of strict hierarchies for communicating and sharing knowledge and information have long been consigned to history. In today’s global […]
May 2016 Seminar: SharePoint and Office 365: getting value from enterprise collaboration solutions
/in Corporate knowledge and information management, Events 2016, Organisational K and IM: document control and storage, Previous Events/by Netikx EventsSummary The shift from traditional ‘document management and information push’ Intranets to more socio-collaborative technologies continues to accelerate, as organisations embrace new Social Business Models. Microsoft has cemented its place as one of the key players in the enterprise technology space and is well positioned to influence greater productivity and increased value through more seamless […]
March 2016 Seminar: Storytelling For Problem Solving & Better Decision Making
/in Events 2016, K and IM: professional development, Knowledge and information management, Previous Events/by Netikx EventsSummary A story is a recounting of events based on emotional experience from a perspective. We use stories to: • build maps of the world we experience so we can make decisions about how to act; • make decisions about what to believe in, what we see and hear; • transfer knowledge and information; • […]
January 2016 Seminar: Human Capital – The Last Differentiator
/in Events 2016, Previous Events/by Netikx EventsSummary How do you keep your skills relevant in an ever-changing environment? Can Social Knowledge Management provide answers? As we adapt to new workplace challenges (or opportunities) at a time when organisations are looking to increase productivity and make savings through automating routine work, we need to think about the ’human differentiator‘; in essence, ensuring […]
Human Capital – The Last Differentiator – Tuesday 19 January 2016
/in Developing and exploiting information and knowledge, Events 2016, K and IM: Skills and competencies, Previous Events/by AlisonHow do you keep your skills relevant in an ever changing environment? Can Social Knowledge Management provide answers? As we adapt to new workplace challenges (or opportunities) at a time when organisations are looking to increase productivity and make savings through automating routine work, we need to think about the ’human differentiator‘ – in essence, […]
November 2015 Seminar: Offshoring/Outsourcing Information Services
/in Ensuring business value and cost effectiveness, Events 2015, Previous Events/by Netikx EventsSummary The offshoring and outsourcing of information services are two business models/strategies that have matured significantly in recent years. However, they have a number of challenges that in-house operations do not necessarily face. Offshoring or Outsourcing your Information function – either, neither or both? Whatever your situation the issues raised by this question are complex […]
September 2015 Seminar: Connecting Knowledge Communities
/in Events 2015, K and I sharing: networking, Knowledge and information sharing, Previous Events/by Netikx EventsSummary The aim of this meeting was to bring together at least some of the UK communities concerned with knowledge and information management. These communities and organisations have different emphases, different modes of operation and even different approaches to membership. Some have regular meetings and a paid membership, while others are virtual and have no […]
July 2015 Seminar: Hillsborough – Information Work and Helping People and NetIKX AGM
/in Developing and exploiting information and knowledge, Events 2015, Previous Events/by Netikx EventsSummary We welcomed Jan Parry, President of CILIP, to talk about her role in the Hillsborough Inquiry. This meeting was preceded by the NetIKX AGM. Jan Parry explained how, after 23 years, records and information revealed the truth about the 1989 Hillsborough Disaster. She was the only Information Professional on the secretariat of the Hillsborough […]