May 2017 Seminar: Developing Effective Collaborative Knowledge Spaces


Paul J. Corney and Victoria Ward introduced a survey that has been run on this topic and used the meeting to obtain feedback on the questions from those attending. Paul will soon be writing a paper on the topic.
Paul introduced the seminar by noting that three years ago he conducted a survey of Knowledge & Information professionals on how effective their work environments were. Many of the NetIKX community took part and then participated in an afternoon workshop in January 2014.

Paul noted that as work has become more virtual, digital workspaces have become the fashion and increasing numbers work remotely in the so called ‘gig economy’ thanks to the advance of technology and it was therefore a good time to revisit the subject of collaborative knowledge spaces.
Paul reported on a more recent seminar, the results of which will be discussed in a Masterclass in Kuala Lumpur at the International Islamic University of Malaysia, where he hoped to get a more in-depth Asian perspective on what makes an effective collaborative knowledge space.

This seminar at NetIKX, conducted together with Victoria Ward, Director of Sparknow, who has been researching knowledge spaces separately and collaboratively since 1999, looked at the findings and their implications for the knowledge & information profession. It drew on joint experience of running many global assignments and featured case studies of good and not so good practice.

After Paul and Victoria has introduced the subject, syndicate sessions were held, but in a slightly different way to usual in that the questions from the survey were posted round the room and those attending were encouraged to add comments to them, Then groups were formed, each group taking one of the questions from the survey. Finally, there was the usual reporting back.
Paul will be writing up the survey, together with some of the conclusions from this meeting. Copies of his slides are downloadable below (the file is about 15 Mbytes) and links to his paper will probably be included in the report that goes into the NetIKX blog.


Paul Corney is Managing Partner of Knowledge et al, a Knowledge Trustee of Plan Zheroes (a recently established charity) and Lead, Knowledge Management at Sparknow. He Chairs KM UK and is a regular contributor/speaker on global knowledge management. He recently ran a knowledge capture and retention programme for a UK Government Organisation. He has recently travelled to Sudan, sponsored in part by The World Bank Group and the University of Khartoum
Paul has published numerous articles including Why good knowledge drives good business published by Sage Publications in 2015. He has a distinguished record as a lecturer on knowledge and information management at degree and MBA level. He sits on the BSI KM Standards Committee, providing the UK’s response to the International Standards Organisation’s (ISO) emerging KM Standards. He is also involved in work to consider how social media impacts business.

Victoria Ward is Director at Sparknow, has a background in exchange traded futures and options, first as a broker, then running R&D at the futures exchange in London leading a global futures business. From there via chief operating officer, capital markets, to chief knowledge officer at an investment bank, she founded Sparknow in late 1997.
Victoria founded Sparknow to honour the human spirit in the workplace and to help individuals, groups and organizations find the stories of their experiences and intentions, and use this process and its products to help things move forward. As important as the outward engagement with clients and colleagues around the world working in organizational storytelling, is the internal aim to work together to find a co-operative, mutual, challenging and reciprocal way of being at work in the world together.

Time and Venue

2pm on 18th May 2017, The British Dental Association, 64 Wimpole Street, London W1G 8YS

Pre Event Information





See our blog report: Developing Effective Collaborative Knowledge Spaces

Study Suggestions
