September 2017 Seminar: Closing the Loop on Lesson Learning


Chris Collison explored the myths and truths of lesson-learning in different contexts, using real examples, both good and bad, challenging us to improve this important knowledge-management practice and make it more than a convenient phrase.

‘Lessons learned’ is a phrase that is a regular feature of news bulletins, sports team briefs and project team meetings – but are they really learned, or are they something of a fig leaf for those who carry responsibility?
What does it take to truly invest in lesson learning in a way which closes the loop and results in real change, improvement and risk-avoidance for the future?

• What does a good project review look like?
• What are the most effective questions to use?
• How do we capture the output of a debrief without sanitising the life out it?
• How do we ensure that there is an outcome for the organisation – that something actually happens?

During the syndicate session that followed, groups tried to identify barriers to learning and sharing, and proposed practical ways to both ‘unblock the flow’ and stimulate a thirst for learning.


Chris Collison is an independent management consultant and business author with 20 years of experience in knowledge management, facilitation and organisational learning.

His corporate experience comes from long careers in BP and Centrica. He was part of BP’s KM program, a team accredited with generating over $200m of value through pioneering knowledge management. In 2001 he joined Centrica, working at the top levels in Finance and HR, before becoming Group Director of Knowledge and Change Management.

In 2005 he left the corporate world to establish Knowledgeable Ltd. Since that time Chris has been working as a consultant in the field of Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning, and has had the privilege of advising over 130 organizations around the world. Clients range from Shell, Pfizer and the World Bank to the United Nations, the UK Government and the International Olympic Committee.

Chris has worked as an associate or visiting lecturer at a number of business schools: Henley, Cranfield and Liverpool in the UK, Skolkovo in Moscow, Sharif in Tehran and Columbia University in New York. He is a Chartered Fellow of the CIPD.

Time and Venue

2pm on 14 September 2017, The British Dental Association, 64 Wimpole Street, London W1G 8YS



No slides available for this presentation




See our blog report: Lesson Learning

Study Suggestion

See Chris’s Book Learning to Fly Practical Knowledge Management from Leading and Learning Organisations.  C Collison G Parcell, 2007  John Wiley and Sons


Human Capital – The Last Differentiator – Tuesday 19 January 2016

How do you keep your skills relevant in an ever changing environment?

Can Social Knowledge Management provide answers?

As we adapt to new workplace challenges (or opportunities) at a time when organisations are looking to increase productivity and make savings through automating routine work, we need to think about the ’human differentiator‘ – in essence, ensuring that we are all still employable!

In this interactive presentation at the next NetIKX meeting, Social KM expert Rooven Pakkiri, will discuss how we can transform the way we engage in our work, with radical strategies based on ‘Social Learning’, ‘Talent Insights’ and ‘Decision Sourcing’.

As we move forward, a key differentiator of successful organisations will be whether and how they are able to leverage in a consistent way the talent and knowledge of their workforces so as to meet their objectives. Companies that are bound by tradition and hierarchy will struggle to compete.

This session will enable us to consider how we fit within this changing environment and how we can continue to learn new skills and remain relevant.


Rooven Pakkiri works with clients to deliver sustained adoption strategies for collaboration platforms such as Yammer, Jive and Connections. His focus is on engagement (often through HR) with the business managers in an organisation. Together they design, develop and deploy a highly customised Social KM road map that revolves around the use of the social tool set in order to solve client-specific business/organisation problems or to address current opportunities. Everything Rooven does is led by business/organisation requirements and user adoption and not by the features and functions of the chosen collaboration technology.

A veteran of the era, Rooven is a digital evangelist who focuses on the way technology changes organisational communication and collaboration. He is an author and regular speaker on the subject of Social Knowledge Management and how it is transforming the corporate rule book. Rooven is also the co-founder of a regular thought leadership event in London at which independent thinkers discuss issues of user adoption and cultural transformation.

As a Social KM consultant, Rooven is responsible for developing client-specific adoption strategies and immersion programs. As part of this process Rooven employs a number of techniques such as  scenario modelling, content seeding, champion identification and community development.

Intended Learning Objectives

  • To be aware of how we fit within the changing organisational environment
  • To learn how to keep our skills relevant in this ever-changing environment
  • To understand how Social Knowledge management can provide answers


The British Dental Association, 64 Wimpole Street, London W1G 8YS (The nearest London Underground Station is Bond Street)

Registration is at 2.00 pm and the meeting will run from 2.30 pm to 5.00 pm, with a glass of wine and light refreshments to follow until 6.00 pm.

Seminar Costs

If you are a NetIKX Member or join NetIKX when you register, there is no charge.

Non-members are welcome to attend.

Please register at

Athough the normal rate for non-members is £50, there will be discounts available for returning members and others. For further information, please send an email to web[at]

January2015 - Seminar

January 2015 Seminar: Auditing your KIM Skills Gap


This was a joint seminar of the Network for Information & Knowledge Exchange and TFPL Connect-ed. The start of the new year is a great time to take stock, reflect on the achievements of the last year and plan your objectives for the upcoming twelve months … The workshop was aimed at anyone with skills … and we all have them!

Auditing your KIM Skills Gap will include:
• How to identify your skills and their value
• What skills are trending in the KIM marketplace
• Marketing your skills
• Making an impact

Included within this session were refreshers on how to write the all-important CV and application form. ‘Making an impact’ presented practical tips on ways to shine at interview – and plenty of time was allowed for questions and lively discussion, helping to facilitate an invaluable environment for learning and development.


Jayne Winch has worked with TFPL since 1999 initially as part of the contract team and is now a generalist recruiter handling permanent roles within the areas of Information/Knowledge/Records Management/Research and Insight across the UK for the commercial sector. Jayne also enjoys delivering workshops and presentations on an ad hoc basis both on site for TFPL candidates as well as for external audiences on the topic of CVs, interviews and career options within our specialist field.

Suzanne Wheatley has worked in information recruitment since 2002 and at Sue Hill Recruitment since 2006, where she now manages the knowledge & information management team. She enjoys helping jobseekers progress in their careers and working with employers to find the right person to continue the success of their service offering. An advocate of recognising and utilising your own skills, Suzanne enjoys facilitating workshops and networking, believing that shared personal experiences in the workplace are invaluable for learning and development. She can also be found writing articles, blogs and tweeting.

Time and Venue

2pm on 27th January 2015, The British Dental Association, 64 Wimpole Street, London W1G 8YS

Pre Event Information

It gives both NetIKX and TFPL Connect-ed great pleasure to announce our first joint workshop: Auditing your KIM Skills Gap, followed by drinks, nibbles and networking.
You are warmly invited to attend this practical workshop session run by Jayne Winch from TFPL and Suzanne Wheatley from Sue Hill Recruitment.







Study Suggestions


January 2013 Seminar: Born digital or Digital native?


This meeting was a lively and engaging session. We heard from Karen Blakeman and Graham Coult who spoke about the way technology is changing lives through the perspective of the differences that our individual experience will provide.  The idea that a ‘digital native’ will be confident and well informed about the implications of new technology may be misplaced as understanding is not the same as ‘knowing what to do’. We also heard about research that looked into digital behaviours, noting how widespread the use of social media is now, used by young and old – but perhaps in different ways. As usual, a NetIKX meeting included networking in small group discussions and then lively chat over refreshments.


Karen Blakeman is from RBA Information Services. Her talk was called ‘Born digital: time for a rethink’.

Graham Coult is the Editor-in-Chief of Managing Information and expert in ‘Research Behaviours: the evidence base’.

Time and Venue

28 January 2013. 2pm The British Dental Association, 64 Wimpole Street, London W1G 8YS


These are not available now




See our blog report: Digital native or digital immigrant?

Study Suggestions

Marc Prensky’s paper, ‘Digital natives, Digital Immigrants’, 2001.
For more information about Karen’s work, the RBA website is:

May 2010 Seminar: IM / KM competencies – past, present and future


There is no information available


Angela Abell, Senior Associate, TFPL
Sue Westcott, Executive Search and Research Consultant
Peter McMeekin, Director, Information Analysis

Time and Venue

May 2010, 2pm The British Dental Association, 64 Wimpole Street, London W1G 8YS


No slides available




No blog available

Study Suggestions


September 2008 Seminar: Experience versus expertise


This meeting was led by one of the authors of the well known KM book: Learning to Fly, based on case study  material from BP.


Geoff Parcell, Practical KM

Time and Venue

September 2008, 2pm The British Dental Association, 64 Wimpole Street, London W1G 8YS


No slides available




Blog no longer available

Study Suggestions


March 2007 Seminar: The role of knowledge sharing in supporting learning in the workplace


This meeting has no summary available.


Leela Damodaran is Professor of Participative Design and Change Management. Loughborough University

Time and Venue

March 2007, 2pm The British Dental Association, 64 Wimpole Street, London W1G 8YS


No slides available


Blog no longer available

Study Suggestions
