November 2012 Seminar: Maximizing knowledge – sharing information conversationally through podcasts and social media


In this NetIKX workshop we heard how Helen led her team at A.T.Kearney in developing an innovative series of podcasts, providing a new, more conversational way of knowledge transfer for staff and potential customers. She has been able to quantify the number of podcast downloads using Google Analytics. The podcasts are easily exceeding their current KPI of 1000 hits per month, averaging around 3000-4000 hits/month. To promote the podcasts, Helen tweets links to them and the Marketing team then re-tweets these, to promote her Twitter handle.

No direct revenue has been produced yet, as the podcasts are free, but the team has started thinking about selling the podcast content as an e-book for a nominal price, to help reach a wider audience and potentially bring in some revenue. Helen concluded that “To innovate, you have to accept failure”. She didn’t know the series would be a success, and initially was embarrassed at the thought that they might fail, but went ahead and did it anyway.  This was a very inspiring event.


Helen Clegg, is the Knowledge Team Director Global, at AT Kearney, where she focuses on Knowledge-sharing solutions. She has developed and implemented a knowledge-sharing framework and supporting toolkit to enable consultants to better share lessons learned.  Helen has marketed product and service development. She has developed, implemented, marketed and project managed outsourced research offering for consultants.  Helen has also marketed communications. She researched, moderated, produced and marketed ‘Wave of The Future’ podcast series.

Time and Venue

November 2012, 2pm The British Dental Association, 64 Wimpole Street, London W1G 8YS


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See our blog report: Maximizing knowledge – sharing information conversationally through podcasts and social media, Helen Clegg, 7 November 2012

Study Suggestions


January 2012 Seminar: Social Media – what next and what can we do with it?


This was out third meeting on the theme of social media in so many years.   The speakers identified that the key to effective use of social media is to be clear about who we are trying to target and what tool or tools they would use.  They discussed the difficulty of changing mindsets within organisations where there are ingrained fears about the use of social media… and how using related case studies, collecting examples of what people have been saying about the organisation, or event taking unilateral action and showing the results can be the way to do this.


Steve Dale is the founder and Director of Collabor8now Ltd, an organisation focussed on developing collaborative environments (e.g. Communities of Practice) and the integration of knowledge management tools and processes to support business improvement. He is a KMI certified knowledge manager and the author of several published research papers on collaborative behaviours. Over a 30-year career he has led major change programmes and developed knowledge and learning strategies for clients across public, private and not-for-profit organisations. He is one of three community facilitators for Warwick Business School’s “Knowledge & Innovation Network (KIN)”, a not for profit member organisation committed to developing and sharing best practice.  He is known as “a passionate community and collaboration ecologist, creating off-line and on-line environments that foster conversations and engagement”

Geoffrey McCaleb is a social media / mobile consultant who has delivered a wide variety of critical product capabilities for this rapidly growing video distribution startup. He specifically delivered the mobile (iOS and Android) and responsive web app experience that supported the live sports subscriptions/payments service (streaming and video on demand) for Australian Rules Football, Bundesliga, and La Liga. The service saw strong adoption growing 75% Month on Month and was a crucial component that supported their successful Initial Public Offering.

Time and Venue

January 2012. 2pm The British Dental Association, 64 Wimpole Street, London W1G 8YS


No slides available




See our blog report: Social media – what next and what can we do with it?

Study Suggestions

Participants mentioned:
The BBC’s ‘YourPaintings’ joint initiative with The Public Catalogue Foundation and museums and public institutions throughout the UK encourages people to ‘tag’ their favourite oil paintings.  It currently has 104,000 pictures in the collection.

Phil Bradley’s presentation and notes: “25 barriers to using web 2.0 technologies and how to overcome them” might also provide good insights.

January 2011 Seminar: Using social media to achieve organisational goals implications for organisational and IM/KM policies and strategies


This was a follow-on seminar to one hosted the previous year, where we had introduced our members to a range of social media tools, and questioned if and how NetIKX might use them and also guide people in their use.  Although our January 2010 seminar was very popular, there was still some scepticism about the value of social media tools, and how organisations might use them.  This time, the tone was perhaps more one of how organisations might be persuaded to adopt the wider use of social media.
Hazel and Nicky described how Library and Information professionals can play a role in guiding and supporting the evolutionary adoption of social media tools by:

* Demonstrating how the tools can be used
* Experimenting and developing our own capabilities, as well as giving users the opportunity to experiment
* Providing training e.g. in digital literacy

The use of social media tools in the organisation should be part of Library and Information Management strategy but they tend to be owned by Security.  We need to help organisations to switch from an emphasis on the risk of using social media, to the risk of not using these tools.


Dr Hazel Hall is Director of the Centre for Social Informatics in the School of Computing at Edinburgh Napier University. She is also leads the implementation of the UK Library and Information Science Research Coalition. Hazel was named IWR Information Professional of the Year in December 2009.

Nicky Whitsed is Director of Library Services at the Open University.  She is an experienced strategic and change manager having led successful projects in the commercial, medical and academic fields. Nicky is trained in project management and facilitation and also has experience as a trainer. She has served on a number of CILIP and JISC committees and on a number of editorial boards.

Time and Venue

January 2011, 2pm The British Dental Association, 64 Wimpole Street, London W1G 8YS


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See our blog report: Using social media to achieve organisational goals – the next steps

Study Suggestions


January 2010 Seminar: Social networking tools – should they be taken seriously?


This was one of a series of seminars that helped Knowledge Managers understand the relevance of Social Media for their discipline.


Suzanne Burge  Information Consultant

Elisabeth Goodman.  Associate, Pelican Coaching and Development

Time and Venue

January 2010, 2pm The British Dental Association, 64 Wimpole Street, London W1G 8YS


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No blog available

Study Suggestions


July 2008 Seminar: Anarchy in the enterprise? Using social media tools effectively in a corporate context


This meeting was one of several that NetIKX held to introduce information professionals to the value, and concerns, about using social media.


Richard Dennison, BT

Time and Venue

July 2008, 2pm The British Dental Association, 64 Wimpole Street, London W1G 8YS


No slides available


Blog no longer available

Study Suggestions


January 2008 Seminar: Social networking: focussing on social bookmarking


There is no summary available.


Adrian Melrose, Cogenz

Time and Venue

January 2008, 2pm The British Dental Association, 64 Wimpole Street, London W1G 8YS


No slides available


Blog no longer available

Study Suggestion
