Survey Results

Naomi Lees, NetIKX Membership Secretary writes:

Thank you to everyone who responded to our NetIKX survey earlier this year. We had some very interesting and useful responses.

Here is a brief overview of the points raised, and what NetIKX plans to do over the next 12 months:

Programme Planning

We had some very useful feedback on the seminar topics you would like to see, especially around the future and value of KIM; as well as practical KIM tools and techniques. You will be pleased to know that we will be covering all these aspects and more in our programme in 2017 and early 2018, so check or for details of future events.

We also had some other useful suggestions for future seminar topics, which our programme planner has taken away for further cogitation! Watch this space for further updates.

Events outside London

You said that you would like to see more events outside London – we are currently looking at ways we can make this happen. If you are keen to host an event outside London, please get in touch.

Partnering with other KIM Groups

We had some very encouraging feedback on developing partnerships with other KIM groups. You will be pleased to know that we have a KIM Communities event coming up soon. We are always interested in building connections with other KIM groups, so please get in touch if you have any ideas for joint-working.

NetIKX Website

We received several comments on the website and we are really grateful for this feedback. You will be pleased to know that we are currently working on a new website, with lots of the features you have asked for, such as more KIM resources and the ability to make electronic payments.

The survey results can be viewed here:


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