March 2014 Seminar: Incentivising knowledge sharing behaviours
Steve Dale gave an excellent presentation on the ‘hot topic’ of ‘gamification’. Quite simply, ‘gamification’ is the process of applying game elements to non-game applications using the fundamentals of human psychology to address motivation, ability levels and ‘triggers’.
Steve instanced a number of examples – from a multitude: within the NHS (a gamification app to encourage exercise); within local government (Halton Borough Council puts RFID tags on bins to track correct recycling by households and rewards good practice by awarding points that can be redeemed at local shops); within the market place (Supermarket club cards and loyalty cards).
Steve cautioned against an unthinking approach to adopting ‘gamification’ within an organisation. He emphasised the need to think carefully about organisational culture and to ensure that organisational goals are clear. After Steve’s talk and questions we moved on to syndicate sessions where five groups devised a gamification strategy to achieve an objective within their organisation. We then talked about the strategies.
Stephen Dale is the founder and Director of Collabor8now Ltd, an organisation focussed on developing collaborative environments (e.g. Communities of Practice) and the integration of knowledge management tools and processes to support business improvement. He is a KMI certified knowledge manager and the author of several published research papers on collaborative behaviours. Over a 30-year career he has led major change programmes and developed knowledge and learning strategies for clients across public, private and not-for-profit organisations. He is one of three community facilitators for Warwick Business School’s “Knowledge & Innovation Network (KIN)”, a not for profit member organisation committed to developing and sharing best practice.
Time and Venue
2pm on 18 March 2014, The British Dental Association, 64 Wimpole Street, London W1G 8YS
Pre Event Information
If there is anything on the flier that is not included in the meeting write up, add it here.
Steve’s presentation was available at:
This site does include some Steve Dale slides, but it is not currently being managed. Contact NetIKX if you want more information
See our blog report: Incentivising knowledge sharing behaviours
Study Suggestions
For more information on Steve Dake go to
You can also see another write up of this session in the journal “Managing Information” Vol. 21 Issue 2 2014 pp. 26-28. ISSN13520229. by Graham Coult. This is a subscription journal available at