Book this seminar: Promoting public literacy – in which digital literacy is a key facet – during economically challenging times.

This hybrid event is a live – face to face meeting – taking place at the British Dental Association on Thursday May 23rd 2024 at 2:00pm. It is also taking place via Microsoft Teams.

Book your seminar place by filling in our booking form. Please note all fields marked * are mandatory. N.B. Do not fill in ‘Payment method after receiving an invoice from NetIKX. This is a free seminar for non-members.

Booking Form for Non-members

    * Denotes a mandatory field


    First Name: *

    Surname: *


    Email: *

    Telephone: * (We will use this number to contact you if there is an issue with your order)

    Address: *

    Address Line 2: *

    City: *


    Postcode: *

    Payment method after receiving an invoice from Netikx:

    Date of Seminar: *

    Order comments: Use this area for special instructions or questions regarding your order.

    How did you hear about this seminar? (E.g. e.g. NetIKX member, colleague, flyer, e-mail, Linkedin, Twitter, saw an advert etc) *

    Please indicate if you would like to join our mailing list for news and events information: