Order Individual Membership
NetiKX individual membership is £60 per year.
If you want to join and have attended a Netikx meeting in the last month please tick the relevant box on the form to receive a £30 discount for your first year.
Once you have emailed us the form you will receive an invoice from us. Payment options are below.
If you need us to quote a purchase order number please enter it in the ‘Order comments’ box.
Payment information:
Cheques should be made out to:
The Treasurer
c/o 152 Reform Street
SW11 5AH
Payment terms: within 30 days of invoice date please.
NetIKX is not registered for VAT. No VAT is due on this invoice.
BACS transfer information:
Sort code: 40-11-60
Account Number: 60218464
Please use your name and/or organisation name plus your invoice number to identify your payment.